Dorothy Da silva
Tarot and Psychic Master.
Sometimes, we don’t like to admit we need help, but that’s okay. Don’t consider it as help, consider it as… guidance. A glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. I’m a Psychic with over for 30 years of experience and I work using the Tarot cards, crystals, aroma therapy, chakra balancing and much more. I can assist in all matters of life: love, relationships, money, career and peace of mind.
Allow me to introduce myself. Tarot Mistress Dorothy. I was born with a gift that started with my Grandmother and skipped my mother. My ability started with dreams when I was very young and progressed into many different areas of insight. I have helped people from all walks of life with LOVE, MONEY, HEALTH, WORK, and FAMILY. Don’t let negative energies – sickness or bad luck stand in the way of happiness another single day.
Consult with me today!
Early on in life, I realized I had something out of the ordinary – I didn’t know what it was, nor what to do with it. Frightened, I would get these premonitions of the future. I would have dreams that days later, would turn into reality. By the age of 9 years old, I prayed to God and asked him to take this away from me because I was scared.
My Grandmother was blessed with this gift, and it skipped my mother and it was brought up to me.
Two years later, these dreams returned, and further more, I realized I had something special, unlike everyone else. It was my uniqueness about me. I strengthened my gift, and worked up to what I am to be.