Sandy Esther
Sandy Esther
Sandy Esther is a Born Spiritual Psychic Medium with abilities that are proven. She will tell you the truth in what she sees about your situation as she channels the information and receives visions. Sandy Esther’s ability can help Reunite Lovers if you listen and allow Spirit to lead the way.
As a Libra and empowered by the Divine Feminine, Sandy Esther knows she has Divine Guidance by the ruling planet Venus to help forge your path through fresh insight, regained Courage, Strength, Unveiling Blessings, Healing, Rebirth, Self Awareness, and overall GODDESS DRIVEN VALOUR!
Are you in a long distance relationship? Do you wonder about a developing relationship or New Love interest? Need answers on how to overcome road blocks? Do you feel abandoned and uncertain? Are you feeling a connection with someone and feel its to no avail and just need to know why? Did you break up & want them back? Going through a Divorce, Separation, or break up & need to find healing?