
Birth Chart


Dive deep into your celestial essence with a personalized birth chart consultation. Unravel the mysteries of your cosmic blueprint to gain insights into your personality, relationships, and life’s direction. As an experienced birth chart advisor, I offer empathetic guidance tailored to your unique chart. includes:

- finance &welfare -Personality & appearance -Home & Family -Love & children -Marriage & and business -career & Status -Intuition -Social Life and friends -Couple compatibility -Horoscope

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

step into the celestial realm where stars dance and healing frequencies resonate! With four years of certification in astrology birth charts and eight years as a certified sound healer in the United States, I am your guide through the intricate tapestry of cosmic energies.

metztlifairy's photo


Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT-08:00) May 08, 2024, 02:59PM


Last seen: 9 days ago

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