Helping Connect with Spirit Guides

over 5 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I”m trying to open up more communication between myself and my own spirit guides. I’m sure they are talking to me but I’m not fully getting their messages. Is there someone out there that can assist? Maybe get to me the better avenues for to try to use to hear their voices? Thank you again.

over 5 years ago
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Alex Zielinski (ahighervibration)

12 posts

Have you had much come to you so far? Perhaps fragments, impressions, or thoughts? Much of how the initial communication occurs is going to be “heard” in the same way that you “hear” a phone conversation that you had yesterday. It’s not your physical ears that are doing the hearing.

Similarly, if your guides are sending images this will be like seeing a movie replay in your mind that you watched yesterday.

No matter what you see, hear, or feel always mentally or out loud repeat what you are getting. This helps ensure the connection is as accurate on both ends as it can be. If you see a giant blue number 7, mentally or out loud tell your guides you saw it. Perhaps you’re seeing only one of several digits they’re showing you.

Also, and perhaps the more important part – ask for a way to identify their presence. This helps quell your own doubt and you’ll blame your imagination less and less. Ask your primary guide for the specific physical sensation that can give you to confirm they are present.

Each one of the guides I work with has a different energy and a different physical impression they give when I’m working with them. This way, knowing what this is, can help reduce the doubt. “I’m seeing a red car in an empty lot. Can you let me know you’re near?”

Also, just ask them to do the same things you’d ask a living person to do. Ask them to step closer, ask them to speak up. Occasionally you’ll get guides or spirits who are too close and their energy can be overwhelming, tell them to step back.

Sit, listen, meditate, journal or record everything you experience.

over 5 years ago
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Gifted Ariel (giftedariel12)

175 posts


over 5 years ago

❤️Hi, if you need any advice you can join me for a chat, and let Angels and my guides to bring you answers and guidance to your questions and your situation, and you can choose from my specials 15 mins-$30,20 mins-$40 plus free angel healing!!! Pls, join me for a chat I’m online now.❤️

over 5 years ago
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Atesha (angelatesh)

78 posts


over 5 years ago

Hello, Let me help you and guide you so you can get closer to your spirits and to see what they are trying to tell you . On line now -Live chat . When hire answers back right away Specials today. Blessings

over 5 years ago

hello dear nd welcome and what I am seeing rigt now is that you need to meditate stronger and focus better on that spirit that you are calling out.

over 5 years ago
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Advisor Evon (peace_love_hope)

58 posts

Hi dear there is allot that your guide’s said on the situation and I’m online now and would love to share with you chat now and get the answers you seek

over 5 years ago
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Rose phillips (madamroselee)

44 posts

hello come and get a reading and we can see what the future has planned for you.

over 5 years ago
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Soulmate Consultant (soulmateadviser)

146 posts

Hi, Sometimes going in nature helps, also when you’re near water you can gain spiritual messages.