Tarot Help

over 5 years ago

Hi all! I am teaching myself tarot, have been working on it for about a year already. I’m working on focusing my own intuition and learning what the cards really mean for me and my life. So I’ve been doing a daily draw of five cards to see how my day will go. I use the whole deck (Morgan-Greer deck, similar to Rider Waite deck). I also do not use reverse cards. I chose to do this because I am a highly anxious person and tend to focus on the negative, my deck tends to be very realistic and tends to show me the worst of what will happen (she can be a bit of a negative nancy too lol) Anyway, reverses add to my anxiety and I end up focusing just on the negative notations from them so until I’m better at reading, I’m sticking with upright cards. Now for my question… Today I drew The Chariot, The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, 8 of wands and for my over all theme I got The Empress. I know that The Empress usually tells me I’ll spend a good amount of time at home with my kids, being the mother and enjoying our quality family time. I get The Tower more frequently than I would like (yup, it’s a high anxiety card for me) but I’m learning that I don’t really need to fear it. In one pull I got it for the day after I had to put my old Dog down, that day for sure felt like our whole world and home were different, so it made sense. The next time I drew The Tower it was the last day of school for the class preschool I work at. That was a pretty big change but it was a totally expected one. What I’m wondering is the significance of 4 out of 5 cards being Major Arcana. Am I looking at something big coming soon? I feel like this is telling me to keep my eyes open for the start of something big, life changing. But I’m not sure what these cards could mean together or if it is significant that I got almost all Major Arcana cards. Hoping someone with more tarot knowledge could throw out some advice on this daily reading for me. Thank you everyone for taking the time to read this!

over 5 years ago
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Meztli (meztli)

63 posts

The best you can do, especially now that you are starting your Tarot apprenticeship, no matter which Tarot has chosen you, is:

1. Control 100% your anxiety for which I recommend you take Bach flowers specially designed for your personal situation 2. ALWAYS maintain the objectivity, then, especially when you do readings for yourself, it is necessary and also be very responsible, for what I recommend not to read daily because that just generates more anxiety, as the more readings you do for yourself, more confusion it generates on you. Tarot readings should be made minimum every 15 days, but the more distant between them, the better it is. 3. Take one letter per week and study it as deeply as you can …, choose it from the scrambled deck but I recommend you always start with the major arcana. Study also the reverse. If you want to be a good tarot reader you need to know both sides of the coin. 4. Be in peace and connected, relaxed and find the center of your soul, is what Tarot needs to get more a more clearer to serve other people.

Kiss ;)