Esther neptune

Esther Neptune



I have been a professional psychic reader for ten years, and on the Bitwine platform for nine. I enjoy Bitwine due to the exclusive chat feature. I type LIGHTNING FAST (90WPM)!


If you would like to try out a different format of reading (3 minute video recording), give Purple Ocean a try! The sister site to Bitwine, Purple Ocean offers an app that you can access on your iPhone or Android device! The other advantage is that you can access me at Purple Ocean 24/7! $10 for a 24-hr turnaround and $15 for a 1-hr rush.

If you have read with me on Purple Ocean, mention your PO username to qualify for a discounted rate on Bitwine!

NOW OFFERING LENORMAND READINGS! Lenormand is a divination tool similar to Tarot that provides accurate insights.

CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

Ten years of providing professional psychic readings with an excellent track record.

Over 30,000 readings in my psychic career with experience on five platforms total, two of them tested sites.

You may also message me when I'm offline for a reading scheduled for your time!

Previous background as a pharmacist with a bachelor’s degree. I really CARE about YOU!

I possess an abundance of personal and professional experiences that lend empathy and compassion to your unique situation. In my previous career as a pharmacist, I enjoyed working with psychiatric patients. I know the state of the troubled mind. I am blessed by many traumatic life circumstances to be less judgmental about your situation!


Here are some of my reviews from my first psychic website (Supreme Psychics, 2013-2015):

You read me like you know me ;) You’re always right about it all! I tell people that we are better friends than anything! Thanks so much!

Scary good…gives very precise dates and can tell you what to expect in a situation before it happens.

Was able to tell me details about my husband’s illness that the doctor had not told us. Later confirmed by the doctor. Awesome psychic!!!

Has a gift for analyzing people in great detail.

Everything you could ask for! Accurate, honest, detailed and so very kind. Incredibly generous with her own time and thoughtful! Amazing

Correctly predicted 6 months in advance that a family member would back out of a planned vacation. She’s the best!!!!

Esther is fantastic! The best psychic on this site or in general in my opinion. She is always right on the money!

esther_neptune's photo

Languages: English

Media: Audio Call, Video Call

Local Time: (GMT-06:00) April 27, 2024, 08:03PM

Location: Madison, WI  (Find on Google Maps)

Last seen: 19 days ago

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CloseClients reviews:


335 Reviews: 302 Excellent 15 Satisfactory 18 Unsatisfactory

11 Jun 2014 excellent ranking Jana (unregistered)


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11 Jun 2014 excellent ranking danni138245

very kind and gives a lot of info for $10,

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03 Jun 2014 excellent ranking windsofchange

Good...knows the cards..sense of humor...hope she's right...!

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03 Jun 2014 excellent ranking nickicjy

she was very in tune with my present situation and gave a good long read into the situation for the next few years, which was harsh in terms of the reality in some ways, but nevertheless sobering and helped me to focus on other areas of life that warranted my energies and attention right now.

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02 Jun 2014 excellent ranking parathy

She is amazing at picking up the thoughts surrounding the person you have the connection with......thanks for the great reading!

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