Dream intrepetation?

over 10 years ago
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Amanda (mandi22)

70 posts

ok well i have been dreaming of my ex for the past 2 days straight. Yesterday i had a dream that i was with my ex and with his friends and they all seemed annoyed me for some reason. I remember walking up to my ex and saying something, i dont remember wat but i remember it was dark outside and when i saw my ex’s eyes, his eyes were very light colored, they really stuck out. (his natural eyes are baby blue).

Then today i had a dream that i get a phone call from my ex, he said he regretted the break up and wanted to see me and said he missed me. Then like 10 minutes later he calls me again and says that he thinks we actually shouldnt be together again and said he was sorry but he said he didnt want to give it a 2nd chance. I was in a hotel for some reason in my dream when this was happening. And i told him if we can meet up and he said sure but i need to drive to him cuz he cant drive cuz he got a d.u.i.

i dont remember anything after that.

Anything these symbols mean?

over 10 years ago
online_psychic's photo

Angel Amariah (online_psychic)

266 posts

Hi Amanda!

You are seeing this kinds of dreams because you love so much your ex and now your heart somewhere scaring to lose him and all the time somewhere in your mind and heart its going on that why it came infront of you as a dream don’t be negative be positive and if you need more information about it just contact me,


Angel Amariah

over 10 years ago
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Advisor Evon (peace_love_hope)

58 posts

you felt whole with this person doesn’t mean that you want this person back but your looking for a relationship to feel that security again i do have good news for you Amanda youll be finding someone soon a soulmate partner

over 10 years ago
mandi22's photo

Amanda (mandi22)

70 posts

thanks for I have no feelings for anyone except for my ex so my soul mate wont come for a long time. thanks.

over 10 years ago
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Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts

Hi Amanda

Holding onto these feelings isnt going to make it a reality. An ex is an ex for a reason,usually MANY reasons. Why would you even want him back if he is going to keep acting and doing the same things that caused you to break up to begin with?

This dream doesnt sound symbolic or prophetic at all to me,but is instead a manisfestation of your wants and desires. You have had him on your mind because you havent let go,basically,so your dream self keeps that thought going.

Lets look at this and see what can be done to help you get beyond this guy.



over 10 years ago
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Nichole Heart (nichole_loveexpert_advisor)

224 posts

It sounds like his energy may be creeping into your mind. Theres a chance you still may be deeply connected to him. or your desire to be with him is still very strong and you wasn’t aware of that. Please contact me for a deeper reading.

Nichole Heart

over 10 years ago
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Psychic Truth (peterpsychicandmedium)

74 posts

Hi Amanda,

It seems that you’re too much drowned into him. Feeling troubled? I can help you clear your mind and put those negative things out of your mind. I’ll be happy to render you my psychic service and do a full reading for you. I can help heal, comfort and relieve mind, body and spirit. I use Clairvoyant Perception to aid and boost my natural powers.

Fell free to have me a call or chat!

Blessings, Peter