
over 10 years ago

How long will it last? Walking away hurts so.bad, but staying hurts too. I guess he is so cool and calm because I never mattered anyway. The end has finally come. How long will the pain.last?

over 10 years ago
estherlibra didn't upload a photo

EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Katrina,

There is no blanket answer to that quesiton because each person is different.

It also depends on how long you held out hopes for this person.

As a guideline – if you were long term involved it would be normal to take 18 months to totally get over it.

All the best ESTHER

over 10 years ago
heavenlyarchangel12's photo

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

I’m sorry you feel sad and are grieving over the loss of your relationship. Like any death emotional of physical it depends on how close you were, and how attached you were to them. Every one grieves differently, and expressing yourself through music, writing, or art will help you let go of the feelings and emotions. It would also be healthy to surround your with a support system, and doing things with other people. Try not to focus on him, and the more you check up on his pictures, letters, chats, etc, it prolongs things. If you would like to chat further give me a call. Try not to dwell on things to much.

over 10 years ago
bluedragon's photo

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts

Hi Katrina,

If staying together hurt,imagine how much worse it would have been to NOT be apart. This situation was in deep water from the start. He is acting all calm because thats the way some men handle a loss..its the macho inside us. Plus men are looked down on for showing emotions alot of times. Lets take a reading on this and see what is in store for you and your future.



over 10 years ago
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Divine Candice 20 (candice20)

59 posts

hello katrina my name is candice20 as a psychic and a relaitonship specialist in reply to your question alot of people will sugar coat it and say it will be ok but thats not the case i can guiding you with insght it will lighten your heart ease the pain im haveing $10 special call me now