
over 10 years ago

Thank you guys for the advice.

over 10 years ago
estherlibra didn't upload a photo

EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Kathy,

You are obsviously not been clear enough!!!

You are allowing him to play you.

When he pops into your head – playing in your head – change CD and think of soomething more pleasant.

Here is some idea of on how to move on better.


1. DON’T DRAG THINGS OUT! The best thing to do when you realize once and for all that this relationship is not working out for you need to start figuring out on how you are going to speak to your current partner about a breakup. When becomes the next hot topic. In a quick answer – DO NOT WASTE YOUR PARTNER’S TIME while you figure out your life. You already have – you have figured out that this particular relationship is NOT THE ONE you are going to spend the rest of your life with. In view of that and in all fairness to the other person, the SOONER THE BETTER. DO NOT under any circumstances attempt to play the victim and make your partner wrong and attempt to push her/him into breaking up with you. That is not facing the situation on squarely and is being a coward instead. It is also selfish in the most negative form and also unnecessarily cruel. After all breakups are hard enough to deal with without a dose of cruelty coming from the Dumper – You are the Dumper as you are the one that has come to the conclusion that this relationship is not working for you or have never worked for your highest good.

2. BE DEFINITIVE This break up is about your feelings which are neither right nor wrong for that matter, they are just your feelings, so own them. This is not something that is open for debate, so don’t let yourself get talked out of them. You are entitled to your feeling just as your partner is. Deliver the news and make it about your feelings, not a deficit in the other person.

3. DON’T SAY THINGS THAT COULD BE MISUNDERSTOOD OR GIVE HER/HIM HOPE FOR SOME FUTURE. A common thing that people tend to do is to make themselves feel better about having to break up with someone. They often do this by “saying lets still be friends.” Which is both unrealistic (at this point) and also unfair. Why? Unrealistic because that is not what the other person wants. They want a ROMANTIC relationship with you, not just friends. Also unfair because in a way that is like you are still keeping one foot in the door, just in case things go badly for you or the other relationship does not work out.

4. BE HONEST AND AT THE SAME TIME GRACIOUS A breakup conversation is not to be used as an opportunity to make a list of everything that is wrong with your partner and the relationship. Allow this person to leave with their dignity.

5. ONCE YOU HAVE BROKEN UP, STAY AWAY. Your now ex-partner needs to grieve the lost of this relationship and heal their life. You are NOT DOING THEM ANY FAVOURS by checking in with a phone call, SMS txt or e-mail. Just STAY AWAY and let her/him get on with their life.

Broken any of the above????

If not perhaps you maybe a case of either changing or phone no or address? or calling the police??? if he is dangerous?

All the best and I hope you have a good weekend.


over 10 years ago
heavenlyarchangel12's photo

Heavenly Sunshine (heavenlyarchangel12)

805 posts

I would encourage you to stop focusing on him. Disconnect all contact with this person. Stand up for yourself and set boundaries. When you do think about him distract yourself by doing other activities, and surrounding yourself with other people that are more positive in your life. Cut the soul ties and chords. If you have things around your home that remind you of this person, get rid of them. Energy lingers. The more conversations you have with this person keeps you connected, and holds you back from moving forward. You are giving them your personal power by focusing on them or acknowledging them. If you are paying any attention to them, then of course you are giving mixed messages, and they may perceive it as you are still interested. You don’t have to say anything, and you never have to feel shameful or guilty for wanting to be free of them. You are not responsible for their emotions or feelings, or there life. You don’t owe them anything. Emotions will heal over time, and the more you stay focused on other areas of your life, the easier it will become.

over 10 years ago
bluedragon's photo

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts


I would be glad to look at this in a reading and see what is going on,and I can also show you ways to remove him from your life and get him out for good.And it can be done without black majick.



over 10 years ago
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Nichole Heart (nichole_loveexpert_advisor)

224 posts

Hello Kathy,

I’d be happy to help you. I’d be more than honored guide you away from him show you how to cut all ties and bonds to him. Simple, Easy, Effective, and no black magic or anythig like that. I’d love to have a conversation with you going over the basics of whats been happening and how long this has been going on for. Again I can easily help acchive your goal. Allow me to read you and cut the spirital bonds you have built with with sooo long ago. Please contact asap to stop him from leaking into your life.

Nichole Heart.