When will I go into labor and will it be complication free?

over 10 years ago

Hi everyone! First off thanks for stopping and reading my post :)

I’m in my third trimester and have been preparing for a Hypnobirth. I’m wondering when do you see me going into labor? Will the birth be natural and complication free? And last but not least do you have any insight on baby’s looks or personality? I will attach a recent pic of me and my most recent ultrasound so you can see baby. Thanks in advance!



over 10 years ago
estherlibra didn't upload a photo

EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Jaz,

Legally we are not permitted to answer medical type issues like that.

Also as a rule readers are not suppose to answer legal matters either.

I wish you well in your delivery.