Drinking ?

over 11 years ago
lonestar10.8 didn't upload a photo


20 posts

Im told my mothers drinking but i cant help but wonder how can you know a persons drinking or doing drugs when your not really there your just guessing and its not fair to make a person worrie for that person and even worse when you cant even tell them why the persons drinking it dont make since i finely get through to my sister and she tells me what no moms fine drinking no last i talked to her she was fine she never answers the phone but i did get through so shes not drinking and theres nothing going on with her like so menny told me there was either they are not in tune and really cant see or they are out for money to make someone worrie so to spend money

over 11 years ago
tranquillove's photo


137 posts

I don’t mean to make you worry I was only trying to help that is whats going on, if you would like to talk more. Please come visit me in chat.

over 11 years ago
bluedragon's photo

Robin Bluedragon (bluedragon)

2048 posts


If you dont want to hear the answers,maybe you should stop posting for them?



over 11 years ago
estherlibra didn't upload a photo

EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Lonestar,

As a Card Reader it is likely the 7 of Cups came up in that person’s spread. That is the card of addicitions with Tarot. I am assuming a reader told you this in Live-Chat????

Up to a point Robin is also correct. Do not ask questions or have a reading on questions unless you are positive you can take the answer you could receive.

Readers sometimes have to deliver bad news.

All the best ESTHER

over 11 years ago
lonestar10.8 didn't upload a photo


20 posts

well that would be true if they would get details right and they dont cause i catch them keep in mind this is my mother i know her and the situation and when someone cant even come close to her or what had happened there details dont descibe things right and when you tell them they change the story and think your dumb enough to believe them

over 11 years ago
psychicreadertiffany's photo

tiffany (psychicreadertiffany)

33 posts

from what im seeing and hearing from you i think she’ll need a candle and everything will turn around for her