Astrology predictions

over 11 years ago
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enzo khan (enzo)

62 posts

Hi i wanted to ask are astrology predictions set in stone? or does free will play its part? thanx

over 11 years ago
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PsychicReadingsByNicole (readingsbynicole)

84 posts

hi dear i can look into this for you just hire me with your name and dob for a detailed reading no sugar coating just straight to the point answers hope to hear from you dear godbless

over 11 years ago
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EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Enzo,

It depends on that type of astrology being used.

Vedic tends to be set and less free choice.

Medievial (Western) try and lead you to where you life is going to work well rather than bang your head against a brick wall.

Modern Psychological believes that Freewill can change things – Hmm – up to a point.

I can never a a sport person on two legs because I had polio as a child – fact. Cannot be changed. I tend take the middle road here and used Medievial – which makes allowances for some free will but also takes into account what cannot be changed.

In my case – it would not matter which system you used because Saturn sits next to my Sun Sign which shows either system a serious person with likely health issues.

Al the best EstherLibra

over 11 years ago
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bluestar11 (bluestar11)

22 posts

It doesn’t matter what type of astrology is used, ANY reading that you get is never set in stone.

I always tell my clients that all we can do as readers is “shine a light” on your situation. The real end result is based on how you take the information that is received and use it to produce results to your liking, especially when it comes to time frames. I generally don’t like giving out time frames because a lot of people sit around and just wait for it to happen, and you won’t accomplish anything when you’re expecting something just because it was predicted for you.

Astrology is considered to be a science, as its been studied and documented over time. Therefore, one would say that astrology has really been proven to work, but I’m sure it can also be said that the accuracy levels are never perfect. Then, unfortunately, it developed later on into “horoscopes” which only look at one aspect of your chart and tries to say the same thing to millions of people who have the same sun sign…making predictions look less reasonable.

Overall, the answers to anything from any spiritual realm, including our own realm, are never concrete, and there are endless possibilities to any situation no matter how accurate someone claims to be. That’s not to say that there aren’t any good psychics or astrologers that can get pretty darn close to telling you when things are going to happen, but they also really can’t 100% claim accuracy. Nobody is perfect, and anyone claiming so is false.

over 11 years ago
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EstherLibra (estherlibra)

1569 posts

Dear Enzo,

I forgot to mention an additional thing that Medievial Astrology does but the modern astrologers do not use. It is called Horary Astrology.

It is referred to as the Chart of the Hour because the astrologer cast the chart as soon ashe/she fully understands your question. It is a good method for yes/no type question plus finding lost items which include animals.

All the best EstherLibra

over 11 years ago
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enzo khan (enzo)

62 posts

thanx for your replys! I had a Astrologist predicting the end of my long distance relationship by December 2012, he was definate it did go to the brink i admitt then he said by 2013 it will finish!

over 11 years ago
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PSYCHIC SANDY TELLS ALL (psychicsandytellsall)

104 posts

hello i have an no limit offer reach me today!

over 11 years ago
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enzo khan (enzo)

62 posts

can astrology predict finding work?