eDoes he really want to be friends h

over 11 years ago

Just wondered if c really wants to be friends? He was distant & I wonder if he wants to be bothered by me at all.

over 11 years ago
revcozmo's photo

Way-Yat (revcozmo)

84 posts

Katrina, there seems to be a natural harmony between the two of you. He is dealing with something that is completely unrelated at the moment. You can help him through this difficulty by just letting him know that you are there for him, without pushing yourself on him. This is a tricky balancing act, considering your true, deeper feelings for him. I can help you find this ‘middle road’ when you contact me. Until then – Blessed Be!

over 11 years ago
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Jennifer Poe (psychicjennifer14)

2082 posts

Hello my name is Jennifer and I have offered my psychic mediumship readings since I was young. My psychic abilities were passed down to me by my mother. I started seeing things and began reading for people at a young age. My mother began keen many years ago so that is how I found out about it. My mother is an excellent psychic so I have learned from the best. Contact me I am sure you will find what you are looking for. If I am busy please drop me an e-mail to set up an appointment with me. Thanks.

over 11 years ago
advisorashley's photo

Ashley Lauren (advisorashley)

462 posts

I can tell you what he really feels about you and what will happen for you and him.

over 11 years ago

I don’t think he feels anything towards me. I believe im too passionate or my desires are too strong for him to handle and it causes him to be overwhelmed. I think too hard and too deeply and he is more carefree. It would be great if I could turn it down some and learn to chill out but im not sure how.