True Guidance Needed

over 8 years ago
oknowletssee didn't upload a photo


29 posts

Tired of being broke and being unsure about my job, they are cutting people left and right and I’m tired of walking on eggshells. I have decided to put 100% into my business I need to know when (not “if” because I have decided it will be) it will take off and be successful, when will it start bringing in money and when will I meet the people that will join my venture and take this thing to the next level. Who/What am I missing? Who/What should I be looking out for?

No spells, no nonsense, no fluff…just facts and details.

Please and thank you so much for reading :)

over 8 years ago
astromaestro's photo

AstroMaestro (astromaestro)

1901 posts

You are making mistake somewhere,, do everything from love not from ego.. and presure expectations… attachments… begin to visualize positive in present not in future .. Im happy is right, and om going to be happy is wrong.. I recommend myself….