What do you do when you don't know what to do?

over 9 years ago
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C (chaslynm)

6 posts

I’m in a very bad state right now. Very confused, not knowing what to do. I don’t know if I should try to contact my spirit guides or if I should just let time pass me by

The only way I can seem to contact my spirit guides is through a pendulum but even with that I hear you can easily manipulate the answer when you’re thinking of it but I’m not sure.. is there any other easy way to contact your angels? I hear autowriting is evil and I tried it, it’s really hard because I feel like it’s just me talking to myself.

Lately I have been getting many readings, so please don’t tell me to come in, I do not think it is the best thing for me to do at all. It will just make me more confused.

over 9 years ago
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☪NeedClarity (needclarity)

84 posts

Lets chat call me..

over 9 years ago
the_oracle didn't upload a photo

Oracle..... (the_oracle)

416 posts

Hi C, remember we live in a material world, not a spiritual world, spirit can’t make decisions for you, and the angels and your guides are not sitting round a table to help you make choices and decisions about your life.

When we have problems, in love, money, health, family and work it is nice to get re assurance that we are doing the right thing, some of my clients have a reading every day, before they make any decisions, about everything, travel, work, business, investments, deals you name it and they call me, I set aside 3 hours everyday, for 6 of my daily callers, they are all wealthy, well known people, they have accounts with me and pay me a retainer, these 6 clients cover all my bills, my horses, house and car. They are paying for my experience and the clarity that I give them. To them I am a business expense, that comes of their tax bills.

For most people just knowing they have a guide is enough. but do please remember spirits are not there to help us choose what to have for dinner, or to sort our relationship out, they are there to help us learn what life is teaching us.

Just living and paying our way is hard enough now a days, a relationship should enrich our life, whether with our family, partner or even our spirit guide.

I use automatic writing every day to answer my emails, and to write short stories and songs, sometimes poems, I wonder why you think it is evil?

It is spirit communication, same as tarot, crystal, pendulum, mediumship, scrying.

*good or bad is in the person using the tools, not in the tools, someone once said my tarot cards are dangerous, I had to agree, because when they were new, I did actually cut one of my fingers with them when I first shuffled them ( a paper cut) so in theory you could say everything is dangerous, I mean swallowing a pendulum, wouldn’t be very good for a child, for anyone really!

Remember good or bad evil or confused, is in the person using them, there is no evil or badness in the spirit world, there is only light and energy, if anyone says otherwise, they want to scare or frighten you, as a means of control.

There will be confused spirits, wondering why they died so young or in an accident, there will be lost souls, looking for answers, and of course there will be playful souls.

But you will not find an evil or bad spirit, unless you are evil or bad, because like does attract like.

My advice is to get real, separate fiction and fantasy from reality, as Judge Judy says if something looks like a duck, its a duck!

Meaning id someone says they don’t want you, believe them , that’s reality! Good luck on lifes journey, your life can be whatever you want it to be, that’s reality, what you think, does actually happen, so have good thoughts and good will come back to you. Bernard

over 9 years ago
gtoledo didn't upload a photo

Maria (gtoledo)

9 posts

I Agree with Oracle. It is the true.

over 9 years ago
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Psychic Limei (psychiclimei)

38 posts

When you dont know what to do anymore you seek guidance in what to do. There is help out there and there is always hope you just have to want it. Many blessings sweety stay strong and hope to hear from you soon

over 9 years ago
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Alexandra Chauran (earthshod)

378 posts

Okay, I respect your right to not get a reading right now. I wrote the book 365 Ways to Discover Your Psychic Ability just for people like you. There are many ways to communicate with your spirit guides. Automatic writing is not evil, but it won’t give you the satisfaction you’re seeking that it’s not just something you’re doing. You may find solace in some more analytical divination arts such as palmistry (I also wrote the book Palmistry Every Day, astrology, or numerology. Feel free to shoot me a message. I’m always happy to talk shop.