my neighbors downstairs are bullying an discriminating against my family?

over 9 years ago

What do u see withisWent to the apartment complex to report ithi, ever since the new neighbors moved in underneath my family. its been nothing but constant drama with the lady downstairs. The lady downstairs went so far as to come upstairs knocked on our door and yelled in my mother’s face, repeatedly calling my mother trash,then the rest of us trash and animals. Then calling our people trash. Me and my mother went to the apartment complex office to report the incident.. Im so tired of this woman neighbor downstairs, she has such a nasty attitude and i wish people could see. Cause she puts on this act like she’s a nice person but she has a whole another side to her. i wish she would just move.

over 9 years ago

and the neighbor downstairs has been constantly making false complaints on us to the apartment complex office management and has been doing things like she wants to pick and start trouble with us. We have lived here for almost three years soon. the neighbors downstairs been here for barely couple of months. whats going to happen with this situation?