Feeling really down

over 9 years ago
banana93's photo

Shann (banana93)

22 posts

Hi there, I am in need of some spiritual help. I would like to see if anyone can help me My boyfriend is in a really bad place at the moment and he feels he will not be coming home to us until mid next year :( he doesn’t really understand his feelings towards me as he tells me, he knows that he cares and we have a very strong bond and he is quite protective of me in a good way. He has had a couple of medical scares and the doctors don’t seem to be doing anything for him. Seems to me like he is being treated like an animal!! :( I really do love him and just want the best for him. I would also like to know whether you see him coming home before the middle of next year and whether he will have a job within the next 3 months close to home??

I have been feeling really down lately worrying about him and his medical problems just seem to be getting worse and is in a lot of pain!! I have been trying to cheer myself up and keep positive by reading positive affirmations every day angel affirmations messages from angels an nothing seems to be working. I just feel he isn’t getting the help he needs and myself and his parents just want him home :(

Can anyone please give me and insight into what they see and positive things to keep my thinking positive :)

Thank you

over 9 years ago
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BORN GIFTED TRUE PSYCHIC AN... (psychicmisslee)

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