
over 8 years ago
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⚜ Count Marco ⚜ (countmarco)

129 posts

During my many years as a psychic I am asked over and over about the subject of Manifestation. The other day I was looking over some notes that I had put together for a lecture that I had to deliver during my studies of Horology (Study of Time). The lecture was to illustrate clearly the Power and Truth of Manifestation; the principles that I found show how it works and how everyone can experience it straight away. Over the years since I have many times heard from members of the audience from that lecture, that went on to experiment and work with the principles I highlighted thereafter to great effect.

There is also the question of what is appropriate to try to manifest and what is not.

Personally, I do in fact totally believe that we all can manifest what we truly do desire and need. Even the steps that we need to take are not to complicated. However to effectively do this requires something more. This is the tricky part. The vibration of thought is more powerful than most imagine. Think something, believe something and it really can be.

So if I have lost in Love, should I try to Manifest that person right back into my life? I do not think it works like that. Better to stand back and have a level of acceptance that this terrible thing has happened. You did not want it too, but it has and you are now left alone. Have an acceptance. Then think of all that was positive within that relationship. What qualities did you love about them? Just how did they move you? In what way did they stand out from anyone else? Now start to visualise receiving just those qualities and experience of how that made you feel. Meditate upon this, feel it, own it and be within it. You have to totally visualise yourself in a relationship, happy and content. You can only see laughter, joy and happiness. It takes a little practice as you need to separate these feelings/qualities from your ex-love. You need those experiences to stand alone, be authentic and true. As you concentrate on these feelings and thoughts must be totally disassociated from your ex-love. You must be ready to have acceptance, total belief and understanding that you shall indeed receive these “gifts/qualities” in your life again. The Divine however will show you and introduce you to the source. There is the difficult part. Because often we are already stopping and blocking that very manifestation by claiming we know better. We claim that only that person will be able to give these things to us. We claim only to know that only “that” person can be the Source of all our loving joy. Who are we to be so arrogant and know so? We do not have the knowledge of everything else that is available and ready to come into our life. So we limit ourselves to all that is truly available to us, actually in great abundance if we could just submit to the Divine and indeed be shown. Sometimes it could indeed be our ex-love returning but not in the exact manner which we dictate or in the moment that we think it has to be. Perhaps the relationship needed a break, for both too learn some other life lessons. But the important thing is to understand and accept this bit is not your call.

The final parts of the formula requires us to be ever constantly grateful and show gratitude to all that we already are and have. We also in all our dealings; in our works and in all our interactions with others, must always, at all times, put a little bit more in, than we take out.

The above is a simple example; but I know that it can be applied in all areas of our lives; work, wealth, life direction, the home that you seek and desire.

Simple principles, but more difficult in practice. The other issue is with manifestation is because of the great power you have, if you constantly believe in the negative “He/She is “never” coming back.” “I shall fail in my job” Then of course the same power and principles start to form and play out ensuring that they never return and you do indeed loose your job. You start to run into a cycle of manifesting all negativity – when one thing goes wrong why does everything start to go wrong?

When we look at what is acceptable and not acceptable to manifest; this is in line with the natural universal law. Providing your manifestation is done with total good intent, without malice or harm to others then that would be indeed a positive manifestation and will be given.

In summary. Understand and believe that your very thoughts will be realised into reality. Have absolute belief and visualisation of said desire/need. Constantly put out more than you take in all aspects of your life and show gratitude for all that you already have.

So as the old saying goes; “Be very careful for what you wish for – you probably will get it!”

over 8 years ago

Excellent post marco.