Divination by lucky_psychic

Tarot, Rune and Playing Card Cartomancy readings on Love, Relationships, Romance, Home and Family, Career and Business, Spiritual Guidance, LGBT Issues



I specialize in divination using Tarot, Playing Card Cartomancy and Elder Futhark Runes. I’m direct, straight to the point, and honest in what I see psychically in combination with my tools. I will not tell you what you want to hear but what you need to hear! I take a look at the energies surrounding you and your concerns and questions in current time and how events and circumstances are likely to play out based on the energy that surrounds you. My readings should be considered a diagnostic tool only. Through the use of my skills I try to help those who genuinely want to help themselves and use the insight provided in a reading to make informed positive choices geared towards personal improvement. I will not tell you what to do, you must take responsibility for your choices and actions. Be specific and focused with your questions and concerns before a session with me. FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY!


CloseDegrees and Qualifications:

Self taught in the divinatory arts of Tarot,Playing Card Cartomancy, and Elder Futhark Runes.


I have 4+ years of professional experience in this industry and 18+ years of study and practical experience under my belt. Rest assured that your information will be kept completely confidential and every reading you receive will be customized based on your questions and concerns. Please allow time for events to unfold after a reading, not everything discussed during our session will be applicable or make sense right away. I value your time and mine. Above all, respect your reader and be patient during the session. The answers to your concerns do not reveal themselves to me as soon as you ask them, so please allow me proper time to respond to your questions.


I no longer offer full refunds. Partial refunds are applicable on a case by case basis and must be discussed during our session and before the session ends!

This is a service provided, and not a product. By nature of the type of this service, it takes time to see how things unfold. With this in mind, please be kind to your psychic/reader and fair in your requests for a refund.


Receiving a reading is about many things, predictions being only one of them. One can also gain clarity and wisdom by looking at the emotional and mental makeup of all parties with any consultation.

I don’t support the idea of "making a connection" first and then requesting a refund from not hearing what one has expected to hear. The idea of not liking a reading is not what getting a reading is about. Its about learning new information.

Read reviews. However, client reviews don’t necessarily reflect the true accuracy of your reader and your results may vary so keep an open mind.

"Expectations" are something we project onto & into situations. So release any projected expectations of the outcome in a given reading, and just be open to the experience and information given.This is the best advice I can give.

Psychics are all different and we all differ in the way we perform our readings and provide our services.


Some people get comparison readings to see if there is similarity in readings, which is a good thing to do. But sometimes psychics will differ, when this happens please stay open minded, there might be something else going on in relation to your question that you are unaware of. The style of the way someone reads could also provide you with a new perspective that was previously unconsidered.

I only share the psychic information I receive in combination with my tools to give a person some insight.


I offer estimation timelines only!!!!

Realize time shifts according to free will: Be aware that known and unknown influences can change the way an event will play out. My readings show where things are at in current time and where things are likely to head and how likely they are to play out. Any predictions I make merely show the most likely possible outcome as they reveal themselves to me during the reading and will not be set in stone!

lucky_psychic's photo

Languages: English

Media: Audio Call,

Local Time: (GMT-08:00) June 01, 2024, 09:05PM

Location: West Coast, USA  (Find on Google Maps)

Last seen: more than a month ago

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