Will I find romance?

about 1 year ago

I am open to finding love again. But when I thought I found someone for me, he ghosted me. Will he be back again? Or am I supposed to be alone?

about 1 year ago

Yes I feel this way as well.

about 1 year ago

Kristina, I’m looking at your romantic life with a Lenormand deck. The focus card is the Rider…so, that is a definite yes. The cards Closer Look and Whip pair. So, it looks like this person will likely come back for another try, but you might want to ask yourself if it’s worth it, or will it be more “punishment?”

If you would like a full reading, romance is my $10 deal.


about 1 year ago

Anastasia, swing by my profile. If I’m not online, send a message.


about 1 year ago

he’ll be back.

about 1 year ago
loveflame didn't upload a photo

Fatima Love Flame !!! (loveflame)

40 posts

Hi dear kristina I can understand your condition right now and tell you more accurately about things and can tell you when your romantic life will start. You can take a look at my profile if you want to come too. Thanks Fatima Love flame

about 1 year ago

hi there sweetie. You are definitely not meant to be walking on your path alone. You have many opportunities coming your way and the key is that you are open to them. We are going into a new year and that can mean many new things for you. Please chat me with me if you have any questions and we can go into further detail :)

about 1 year ago

hello and welcome and thankyou for your question, and no u r not meant to be alone, but im actually seeing you meeting some one in january . if you like to know more im on line $10 deal for 20 minutes.

about 1 year ago
psychic..love's photo

✨LOVE HEALER✨ (psychic..love)

633 posts


NO One is meant to be ALONE. we are all made in PAIRS. It’s just we made some bad choices and that’s what delay things. Let me Guide You to walk on Right Path which going to lead you to your Soulmate.

So my dear, Feel Free to Call me as this is Public Place to discuss details Related to Your Personal Life.

Kind Regards

about 1 year ago
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Fatima Love Flame !!! (loveflame)

40 posts


I only need to know your names; I don’t need any other details; I’ll figure everything out on my own. Please feel free to call me again.

I go by the name Loveflame and am recognized for my empathy. I understand what you are experiencing. I can sense the tension surrounding you. I’ll always leave you with a positive attitude. even when I tell you the TRUTH, which you choose not to hear.

Let’s start by learning what he wants, believes, and feels about you. What holds in store for you two? What will happen next? And do you have something to do, or are you just wasting time?

With best wishes

about 1 year ago
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Fatima Love Flame !!! (loveflame)

40 posts

It’s understandable that you may be feeling upset and confused after your experience. Being ghosted, or ending communication abruptly without any explanation, can be hurtful and leave you feeling rejected. It’s difficult to predict whether or not the person who ghosted you will come back, as there are many factors that can influence their behavior and decisions. It’s possible that they may reach out to you again in the future, but it’s also important to prepare yourself for the possibility that they may not. It’s important to not put all your hope and expectations on a single person, regardless of how promising things may have seemed. It’s important to take care of yourself, try to find new hobbies or interests and put yourself out there for new people to meet you, It might be hard but it will make you more open for new possibilities. Keep in mind that you deserve to be with someone who treats you with respect and honesty, and if the person who ghosted you does not meet those standards, it may be best to move on.

about 1 year ago

I can help (:

about 1 year ago

He has not come back so far :( I have given up kost of my hope for him to return.

about 1 year ago

I know it’s hard Kristina, but false hope keeps you for releasing what no longer serves and keeps you from aligning to your next opportunity. I’d love to work to give you honest feedback to empower and guide you!

Bright blessings, Pixie

about 1 year ago

This forum is not meant for you to replace an actual reading where someone can do the full extent of investigation involved to help you. It’s best to pay someone for their time who has reviews that prove they are willing to give honest insights that actually provide you w the truth. Good luck-

about 1 year ago

i don’t do false hope. i think giving false hope is disgraceful and disgusting, personally. if the prediction is wrong, then it’s wrong. however that doesn’t indicate it’s false hope. false hope is when someone tells you what you want to hear but know that the energy says otherwise. that is not something that i do. good luck!

about 1 year ago

Do not give up. Because I do see that there is still a lingering connection, a strong one at that. But I feel as if there’s also a blockage between the two of you, that’s stopping the two of you from growing closer.

Reach out to me for a more in-depth reading. I’m willing to help and guide you in the right direction. Good luck, dear.

about 1 year ago

It’s important to prioritize your own well-being and not define your self-worth based on whether or not someone else loves you. Remember that there are many other people out there who may be a better match for you and who will treat you with the respect and care you deserve.

When you’re ready, try to approach dating with an open mind and a willingness to take things slow. It’s important to communicate openly and honestly with potential partners, and to be clear about your expectations and boundaries.

about 1 year ago

the decision to be alone or seek out a relationship is up to you. If you feel ready to find love again, there are many resources available to help you meet new people and connect with potential partners. Just remember to prioritize your own well-being and seek out healthy, respectful relationships

about 1 year ago

I know how this sounds, but yes. You are meant to be alone, not for long But long enough until you are ready. Now that is not a terrible thing. The universe needs to show you that life isn’t all about love that comes from a romantic partner. And that there may be some work to do for you to find happiness on your own. I can see you with a someone but I will need to connect to see when exactly that will happen and how long will you have to wait. Please do not hesitate to message me. I will explain fully!

Love and light.